Quiche – Crustless, Milk Free

crustless quiche without milk

This crustless Quiche does have cheese, but non-dairy creamer mixed with water instead of milk/cream. Turned out great if you can eat cheese.

I have always loved quiche; particularly the classic, Quiche Lorraine with Swiss Cheese and Bacon.  I can tolerate cheese; kind of necessary in Quiche.  I also can handle tiny bacon bits; the fake ones are probably even easier to digest. However, I can’t make a decent pie crust, and all the quiche recipes call for milk or cream.   This was such a treat when it turned out!

Nice serving size for a GP sufferer, yet certainly festive for company.



  • 8 slices bacon, crumbled (about 1/2 Cup)
  • 4 oz Swiss Cheese, sliced thin
  • 2 Tbl butter, melted
  • 4 eggs, beaten
  • 1/4 Cup chopped onion
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1/2 Cup flour
  • 1-1/2 Cups Milk Substitute
    • Mix 1-1/2 Cups boiling (or very hot) water with 6 tsps dry non-dairy creamer until all is dissolved.
  • Parsley sprinkled on top (optional)


Preheat oven to 350.  Lightly grease 9″-10″ pie or quiche plate.  Cook bacon, drain, and crumble (or use packaged). Place at bottom of prepared plate/pan, and sprinkle cheese on top.

In bowl, mix eggs, butter, onion, salt, flour, and milk substitute.  Whisk together until smooth; pour into prepared pan, over cheese and bacon.  Bake for 35 minutes in pre-heated oven until set.

Slice of quiche made with cheese, but non-dairy creamer mixed with water in place of cream.

Slice of crustless, milk-free Quiche Lorraine

Sprinkle top with parsley, and let rest 10 minutes.  Slice into 8 pieces.


There are quiches all over the cookbooks and online with meat, spinach, different cheeses, and any other ingredient one can imagine. Experiment with different herbs and ingredients Your body can handle. The basic recipe quantities above can be a guideline, if milk/cream bother you or the person you are caring for.

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