Non-Dairy Shirred Eggs

Shirred eggs have a wonderful creaminess – probably because of the cream poured on top before baking.  Well, cream isn’t one of my tolerable foods, so I tried it with the old non-dairy creamer mix.  These taste like a treat when eating eggs all the time; very unique. I love my toaster oven for any of the baked eggs.  Preheat oven to 425.shirred cheddar

For the creamer mix, you only need about 1-1/2 Tbl per egg, but I make up 1/4 C hot (almost boiling) water with 1 tsp dry non-dairy creamer. Stir, and then let it cool (can refrigerate to help it along). If you plan on using more throughout the day, make a larger batch, but it does separate after a day or two. It doesn’t spoil, just has creamer floating around, needing to be redissolved. I’ve not used the liquid non-dairy creamer, but would assume it would work as well.

Melt 1 tsp (yes, not tablespoon) butter in custard dish. I have best results when only one egg is in each Pyrex style; there are nice oblong ones for two. When I put two in one of these, it’s not shallow enough to bake evenly.

shirred before

Shirred Egg before baking

Next you can add nothing, or cheese/bacon/onions – whatever you like. Without cheese, these are lactose free and Still a treat. Shown here with Cheddar and Bacon. Then add one egg.  Pour 1-2 Tbl creamer mixture on top of egg; it should cover all the egg white. Sprinkle with salt, pepper, chives, or other seasoning, and cheese if desired. Try Parmesan and/or Italian seasoning for a different flavor.

Bake on cookie sheet in 425 degree oven for 12 minutes. This will continue to bake after removing from oven, so may look like the whites are not done. I have found if I cook it any longer, the yolks get cooked, even though they look like sunny site up. They do set up after 1-2 minutes.

Serve with toast for dipping, or cook longer and eat without any runny yolk.  These are traditionally served with “soldiers” – bread cut into strips and baked until almost crunchy.

shirred swiss

Shirred egg with Swiss, Bacon, Chives


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