Gelled Cranberry Jello

jello final

Pineapple/Strawberry Jello with Cranberry and non-dairy topping or frozen yogurt.

Gastroparesis patients are very limited on fruits.  We cannot tolerate the skins, or seeds, so canned peaches, pears, applesauce, and gelled cranberry sauce are about it. None too glamorous for Thanksgiving. So why not jazz it up a little by making a tasty jello mold with tiny cutouts for decoration?

You can use whatever combination of jello you like.  I think peach would be wonderful, and set off the cranberry nicely. I used a small box of pineapple and strawberry (hoping they would make an orange but didn’t happen).  The flavors were delicious with the cranberry, though, so it worked.


  • 2 small boxes jello
  • 2 cups boiling water
  • 2 cups Non-Dairy whipped topping or frozen yogurt
  • 1 can gelled cranberry sauce


This made a smaller mold, so I just used a ceramic bread pan. Spray with cooking oil.

While water is boiling, open can of cranberry sauce and slice in 1/2″ slices.  With small cookie cutters, cut through to make decorations for the top.jello cutouts

Save the scraps.  They will be mixed in with the jello for the second layer.  I cut a sheet of wax paper the size of the bottom of the dish, to make it easier to flip.  Place these cutouts on the bottom of your mold.

I have some cute little ones that make this easier. My husband found sets of the same cutters in nesting sizes at Walmart, so nothing fancy.  It helps make food more fun…like in the Peek-A-Boo eggs.

Mix boiled water with jello powder, until dissolved.  Add topping or frozen yogurt and stir Gently to dissolve…no lumps should remain.  Cut the scraps of leftover cranberry sauce in small pieces, and stir into jello mixture.  They will not dissolve, but sink so that they make a second layer to the mold.  The creamy jello will float on top, while some of the clearer jello will when flipped, you have a decorative slice for serving with several layers.jello before refrigeration

Refrigerate several hours (I left it overnight), and insert the mold into a hot water bath (I just used our kitchen sink and let it float for a few minutes).  With a knife, separate any remaining edges from the mold, and flip onto a serving plate. Mine had a lot more liquid than I expected, so I just soaked up with a paper towel.


jello closeup


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