Crustless Lactose Free Pumpkin Pie

This pumpkin pie would be great in a crust…but if you don’t want one, it stands on it’s own. Made with Almond Milk (and a little help from cornstarch), just about anyone can eat it. Gluten Free, Lactose Free, and GP friendly! I always make two pies with a 29 oz can of pumpkin, (it still doesn’t last around here for long) but you can easily cut in half for one.

pumpkin piece


  • 1-1/2 Cups sugar
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 2 tsp cinnamon
  • 1 tsp ground ginger
  • 1/2 tsp ground cloves
  • 2 Tbl cornstarch (helps almond milk firm up)
  • 4 eggs
  • 1 29 oz can pumpkin (not pumpkin pie filling)
  • 3 Cups Almond Milk


Preheat oven to 325 and spray two glass 9″-10″ pie plates (I used 10″ here)

pumpkin pre-cooked

Before cooking

Mix sugar and spices in small bowl, with cornstarch.  Beat eggs in large bowl.  Stir in pumpkin and sugar/spice mixture until well blended.  Slowly add almond milk and stir until evenly combined.

Pour filling into prepared dishes, and bake for at least 1 hour, until toothpick in center is not wet.  It does not necessarily come out dry, but no liquid.  Don’t touch the center, like I kept doing, if you don’t want these ugly holes in the middle.  Let rest for two hours, and refrigerate.

pumpkin pies

Gluten Free, Lactose Free Pumpkin Pies

A crust would make it easier to serve, but works well without…just need to be a little gentler when taking it out of the dish.


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